Friday, August 09, 2002

sweet whitty,...

tanggal 3 kemaren berlangsung dgn lacar meski, pas pertama aku bingung gara2 take off datengnya telat banget, but im happy so much......................
thats party is really about blue party............
wah, aku seneng anak2 bisa dateng en ikut nge-dance bareng...
thats really hapyy with my parents,my bro, my cousins, my boyfriend,and also my friends.....

about cake
firrst: of course my mom
second : dad!!
thrid : my old bro'
fourth : my boyfriend, alul.
five : my thrid bestfriend : neni,dwiq,rinda
six : beloved ketua OSIS

i love you all.....

aku ga bisa cerita lebih banyak lagi.

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