Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Day 1- Myself

I was blogging on my favorite blogger, sepatumerah and it turned out that she just starting #30daydrawing projects, which make me think to have smiliar project, however since i cant draw well, im gonna doing it as #30daywritting project.

As you may remember, i used to have similiar project lastyear, that was 3 moths project and it was quite unsuccesful. I just can make it 1,5 months and i totally forgot at the rest. However, im gonna give myself a shot to start this project once more. And to make it differ than the past, i will use this rule (see above, i got from sepatumerah, all credit goes to her) as starts.

Day 1- myself.

So, I should write about myself. I am a 25 years old women and im just married 2 months ago to people that I love most, thanks God.

Being in the quarter-of-life and married is really a big leap for me. Alhamdullilah i do have a job, husband, family and friends arounds. I couldnt say myself a perfect, but i do happy with what i have.

I remember, once i've ever called my life perfect when i was 17 years old, i thought i git everything that i want, i have a loving parents, my mom just recorver (for a while, but i didnt know at that time) from her illnes, i do have a boyfriend and bunch of loving friends. I felt so perfect.

And after a while, it was falling apart, mom was sick again,boyfriend cheated behind me, my friend who knew that my bf was cheated just did nothing to me. And there was my history began.

No, i didnt regret at all. All those stories bring me here, a married women who tapped her stories from her iPad and loving husband who sit behind her. Once again, Alhamdullilah.

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