Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Turning Thirty-Eight

 I'm turning thirty-eight last week. Somehow, it feels like I'm so ready and no anxiety anymore towards the big 4 in front of me. 

Turning Thirty-eight yet still enjoying the feeling of learning new on everything. Turning thirty-eight yet still happy to put makeup on and enjoying new lipstick that trending on TikTok. Turning thirty-eight and enjoying jokes of genz in Tiktok. Turning thirty-eight yet learining to enjoy exercise. Even I think, this is the fittest version of me. Turning thirty-eight and able to push dumbell 4 kg each and enjoying every sweat. OMG, Me 3 years ago will shock. 

Turning thirty-eight and enjoying company of my small circle of friend and being okay with it. Turning thirty-eight and not really need to keep up with my friends. We all know that we will be there when our friends need us.  Turning thirty-eight and enjoying meet up with long-lost friends, enjoying chatting like we just met yesterday. Turning thirty-eight and investing in slimming clinic because you know, in this age, we need a little booster to our metabolism. But exercise and diet are important as well. Turning thirty-eight and know when we will take a rest because our body will send signals to us. Turning thirty-eight and cutting toxic people happily. 

Turning thirty-eight and be happy with small family. 
Turning thirty-eight and still have a dream to keep on. 
Turning thirty-eight and still begging for same wish to God. 
Turning thirty-eight and finally, be able to being enough with myself. To value myself, to find peace in myself, to feel and being content just being myself and what I was, am, will choose for myself. 

Turning thirty-eight and being peace with my past. Turning thirty-eigh and enjoying celebrating all small wins, because small wins are worthed as well. 

Turning thirty-eight and excited to find what's more in the future. 

Thanks God.Thank you always being kind to me. Thank you for always there. 

Friday, May 05, 2023

2023 udah bulan Mei ajah.

 Dan bulan, almost 40! 

Nulis blog ini dari umur 17 dan sekarang sudah hampir 40. Benar-benar waktu seperti terbang yah. 

Di usia hampir 40 ini, banyak mimpi yang tercapai dan juga masih on progress. 
Alhamdulillah sudah menjadi Bulan yang seperti ini. 

Habis lebaran tahun ini, kami bertiga pergi ke Perth,sebuah kota di Australia yang pernah kita kunjungi sama alm.mama. Aku terkesan dengan Perth karena memang ini adalah kota yang kids friendly dan Farzan di usia yang tepat untuk menikmati itu semua. Kalo udah gedean,kayaknya sih bosen yah disini wkwk. 

We had really great time there:)