Monday, May 30, 2011

Rumah Kutu - Updated

As in schedule, it should be done on 12/13 June, and I really hope that they can make it on time. *kalo gak bayar uang kos lagi booo*.

The kitchen is the first subject that pay our attention, since kitchen needs more time to build-up than others, so here's the lastest kitchen update. ( Basically, all has already set-up, except the gas , stove and sink )

And the others are really still in construction. What i love from my Rumah Kutu is the fact that we have big mirror ( this is so helpful to make the room more spacious). And now we still waiting for cupboards and bed room on main room, and once again, hope they can make it on timeee... :)

*eheehh that was us, back from our short trip to Bandung for our old friend, Nefry, wedding. :) and on Sunday we went to Ciawi, visited Deni's relative who sick for almost months. She is 94 years old. And we've informed that this morning she passes away. Deni said she was waiting for me to visiting her. Errr. X-)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rumah Kutu - Kalibata Residence

Sejak serah terima rumah kutu, setiap weekend kita punya kebiasaan baru, yaitu menjenguk Rumah Kutu kita. Belum diapa2in sih, jadi ruangannya keliatan agak sedikit luas. Berharap banget, bulan depan kita sudah bisa pindah disana. I can't wait. Eventhough i dont know how to get office from Rumah Kutu. *big grin*

Sekarang kita juga seneng banget mengunjungi Ace hardware, Informa, electronic solution, hanya untuk melihat-lihat barang untuk mengisi Rumah Kutu. well, turns up we dreaming of our landed house which hopefully, larger than this very small appartment, thus we can decorate freely. Oh our dream house, wait for us yah. *which we dont know where yet* *tunggu uangnya yah*

So, here is it... Kalibata Residence aka Rumah Kutu :) I'll keep you update :)

Ini pemandangan rumah kutu secara keseluruhan dari pintu depan
sampai teras yang seuprit di belakang itu.
Sink itu merupakan calon sink kitchen set kita nanti

Si suami lagi liat pemandangan tower sebelah dari jendela calon kamar kita

pintu depan dan pintu kamar kerja
Suaminya gaya di dalam calon kamar utama kita.
Yak, istrinya juga deh gaya :D

Thursday, May 05, 2011

hola, thursday!

So,... the big news that I waiting so long has been arrived!

No, not yet pregnant, teman2 semua :D *just in case ada yang bertanya, karena dengan semakin menggendutnya saya, pertanyaan itu selalu hadir minimal 3 x seminggu :D* *oh, itu tandanya saya harus olahraga yah ;D*

Tapi rumah kami, rumah 'kutu' kami, sudah resmi serah terima *hip2 hurray* *keploks2*

Maksud rumah kutu adalah, apartement kami di Kalibata Residence, kecil, cmn 30,5m2. Dua kamar tidur, dapur dan living room jadi satu, kamar mandi seiprit. Tp tetep Alhamdullilah, akhirnya pindah dari kos 2 kamar, ke tempat yang lebih besaran dan lebih privat :D.

And now I enjoy the progress of interior of my rumah kutu. Mudah2an berjalan sesuai rencana, bulan depan sudah bisa pindah kesana :)

so excited :D