Monday, March 28, 2011

Tentang Tante Ratna


Hari ini ketika sedang rapat redaksi, ayah saya tiba-tiba menelfon dan mengabarkan kabar duka, tante saya, kakak ayah, Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim, meninggal dunia.

Kasihan beliau, dalam jangka waktu setahun, sudah ada 4 orang kakaknya yang berpulang.Umur memang hanya rahasia Allah.

Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim, sastrawan senior, novelis dan cerpenis yang sudah cacat sejak beliau berumur 9 tahun, inspirasi banyak orang.

Saya tiba2 teringat ketika masa kecil, ketika masa libur lebaran tiba, kami sering berkumpul di kamarnya di rumah nenek kami, dan sambil melihat buku-buku yang banyak di kamarnya, sambil sekali-kali mencuri lihat naskah-naskah cerpen yang sedang ditulis beliau. Tante ratna juga seringkali mengunakan nama-nama keponakannya untuk dijadikan nama pelakon di cerpennya.

Ketika saya sedang giat2nya menulis cerpen, orang yang pertama kali melihat juga dia, dan dia bilang kalau kamu giat, dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun sudah bisa melebih dia. Sayang sekali, banyak hal2 yang membuat saya jarang menulis cerpen lagi.

Dan saya beranjak dewasa, frekuensi saya pulang ke Malang pun menyusut sejak saya bersekolah ke Belanda. Pertemuan hanya singkat saja dan percakapan mulai jarang dilakukan.

Kalau seperti ini saya membenci diri saya yang suka malas untuk menanyakan kabar sanak saudara dan teman. Andai saja, kalau saja, menjadi kata-kata yang sudah percuma.

Dan ketika saya membaca artikel mengenai dia, saya sadar banyak hal yang saya tidak tahu mengenai dia, dan ini makin memperkuat rasa bersalah saya.

Ya Allah, maafkan segala dosa-dosanya dan terima segala amalannya. :)

Berita-berita terkait :
- kompas
- tempo

Dan berikut link kumpulan cerpennya di Kompas.

Rest in Peace, tante Ratna :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Go Green Save Earth

Setelah menjadi istri orang dan ibu rumah tangga (er,thissoundsweird),dan juga plus bekerja di Media dimana saya kenyang ajakan untuk Go Green, akhirnya saya mulai kembali bersungguh-sungguh melangsungkan kampanye itu. Ditambah lagi dengan kekesalan saya melihat sampah kantong plastik yang menumpuk di rumah, dan juga ke-sakit mata saya melihat supermarket di Indonesia begitu royalnya memberikan plastik ke customer.

Seriously, semua supermarket sedang membesar-besarkan Go Green, tapi petugas kasir mereka dengan gampangnya memberikan kantong plastik kepada pembeli. Palingan kampanye mereka cuman sampai menjual tas Go Green mereka. Well, kalau tasnya ga dipake, apa gunanya ?

Karena itu, saya mulai berjanji pada diri saya sendiri :

1. Membawa tas belanja setiap akan belanja di supermarket.
2. Kalaupun kebetulan lupa membawa tas belanja, minta hanya 1 tas plastik untuk semua belanjaan yang saya beli. Tapi kalau bisa dimasukkan di tas atau dibawwa tangan, yah sebaiknya tidak usah meminta kantong plastik.
3. Memakai kertas bekas, untuk memprint hal yang tidak (terlalu) penting.
4. Jangan malas untuk memakai kendaraan umum.
5. Mengurangi sampah botol plastik minuman (ini yang masih berat, huuu, mudah2an kalau udah tinggal di apartment lebih bisa terlaksana)

Sementara yang kepikiran ini dulu. Saya orangnya juga benernya masih tidak hemat energi, tapi saya berharap, tindakan kecil sederhana seperti yang saya sebut diatas bisa membantu bumi bisa bernafas lebih lega :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

7 minutes

It's 7 minutes before 1 PM. The lunch break time is almost over. But it's friday, i said to myself. So, what's different. There is flexibility in friday, that's why everyone says ' thanks god it's friday'.

I do, i do love weekend as well, but, when weekend turns quickly into monday morning. My head spinning. Why work should be the one that become your reality, not your life beside work. The time when you meet your love ones, the one when you hang with your friend. Is that because life known as hard, then we choose when we work/doing your business as your part of 'real' life ?

Ok, 3 minutes more. The radio has aired closing song. What should i conclude with this? In front of me, 3 friends are talking about their current status of job, reading competitor magazine and commented this and that, while sometimes joke and tease each other.

1 minute more baby, think about closing, conclusion. No, i can't. I learned life is not about one or two conclusion, it continuous, we will face different problems as we choose our way of life.

ok. tick. 1 PM.

And now my friend, talks about Syahrini, as I gonna push 'send' button.

Finished on 1:01 PM.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011


I sometimes wonder why lot of people surronds me are complaining because she/he can't take their day off due their business. Not that i'm not believing their, but, just simply take some official day off not gonna make you instantly stamped as a bad employee, ain't you?

We just need holiday. People just need to go away from their residences, to tastes something un-routinely. to keep you sane, i think.

Or maybe you say, holiday takes a lot money. Well, it's not something unsolved, tough, there are lot things to make it affordable, such as: find cheaper destination, could be local destination, the one that you only needs 3-4 hours ride from your home. A cheap holiday also could be a overseas destination. The key is : Plan your holiday ; find promo flight, book promo hotel or go for hostel, travelling with public transportation, or also you can bring/cook your own food to tight your budget. I've done all of those, and those not gonna less your happiness, that's the art of holiday, the one that you can tell and remember.

The important thing with your holiday is you are really have full right to turn off your mobile phone. I know you can't fully ignore with all incoming work calling, but, just answer the urgent ones, the others can wait.

Cloned Dutch people, they have their 21 days day-off (even in their first-year of job contract), when they say their on holiday, universe knows that she/he can't disturb, even bill can postponed (a while) because ones on holiday.

well, in the last, you work your as* hard, you get paid, then you deserves holiday. You're not robot, You're human who deserves be a tourist, curious something new, taste different culture, and having fun with it.

I'm so glad, grown-up in a family that fancy with holiday. I enjoyed road trip to my parent's destination, Malang. I love hanging with my cousins after that. I love tasting local coulinare. I love being out from my home.

And i am so lucky having a husband who thinks the same.

Because life just once, why dont you live it to the fullest ?