Thursday, December 23, 2010


So, it's only last for 3 days, even worst than before. T-T.

and it's almost Christmas weekend.. after rushed on deadlines and presentations for media plan 2011, finaly it's over. Well, at least for jan's deadline.

so, one week before the end of 2010, lot things happens during this 2010, and I thank God for this. Hoping for better and better during the coming years :)

so, am i gonna continue this #30daywritting project. I'd love too...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 3 - Fav Food

fav food? actually i do have lot fav food ( im kinda a carnivora, i reckon :D) but most of all, McD french fries is on number 1.

Why french fries? Actually im a potato lover. i love all kind of food that made from potato, from mashed potato tp perkedel, you say it, i love it all. I even like it more better than rice, my staple food. I dont know why, it just comes that way.

Why McD? well, in my personnaly taste, McD has the best french fries compare than any junk foods, of course i love patat ( potato fries on dutch way ), but McD has a long history on my childhood. I used to go to McD every Sunday ( while McD just started invanded Jakarta) and maybe i just brain washed by my parents who always said to me, " The best french fries is the one that McD has". Well, maybe.

The other fact of me, potato is always my comfort food. I always get it when I upset down, and it could brings me the feeling safe and home that i really need to have.

And writting as well, it helps me a lot to heal my feelings tough. :)

Well, after writting this, i feel hungry. Where's my food?

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Day 2 - Fav Animal

So, here we go... day 2 with topic fav animal.

My fav animal? absolutely cats!

All my close friends has already know how much I attach with this cute little thinghy. Even my mom once told me since I was a baby, I always easily attracted to cats. And im fancy to all cats, whether they just street cats or sophisticated cats. I do love all of them. As matter of fact, my cat pets are always 'street' and usual cats. The different just they all have good looking fur.

The picture above is not my cat. I've stopped petting cats since 8 years ago, just before i went to NL. My last cat was looked like that cat above. and i loved her so much.

I do have lot stories about cats and i'd love to re-telling my experience with my last cat, Totol, to my husband.

Eventhough, i was not petting a cat anymore, my life is always surrended by cats. At NL, i have a neighbour who has big & orange cat who always tried to enter my room. Here in my room, there are lot of street cats who already close to me, to begging food of course :D. I named one of them Tempur. :D

I never naming my cats with fancy names. In fact, i created their name with font 'T'.

My first cat was Timun
My second cat was Terong
My third cat was Totol
My adopted cat ( and rejected by my hubby, LOL) was Tempur.

See ? I'm not joking. :D

Well ofcourse, i also love rabbits and i've ever pet them once, however, I think cats is far more cute than them. They are spoiled, i know, but their spoiled are cute, arent they :D ??

Well to tell you how much I love cat. I dont like Tom in Tom&Jerry. That movie makes fun with cat. Not all of them is stupid like Tom!!!! :D

They are cute and their cuteness could defeat everything. Who stands on cat eyes as in Puss in Boots ? Fiona didnt!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Day 1- Myself

I was blogging on my favorite blogger, sepatumerah and it turned out that she just starting #30daydrawing projects, which make me think to have smiliar project, however since i cant draw well, im gonna doing it as #30daywritting project.

As you may remember, i used to have similiar project lastyear, that was 3 moths project and it was quite unsuccesful. I just can make it 1,5 months and i totally forgot at the rest. However, im gonna give myself a shot to start this project once more. And to make it differ than the past, i will use this rule (see above, i got from sepatumerah, all credit goes to her) as starts.

Day 1- myself.

So, I should write about myself. I am a 25 years old women and im just married 2 months ago to people that I love most, thanks God.

Being in the quarter-of-life and married is really a big leap for me. Alhamdullilah i do have a job, husband, family and friends arounds. I couldnt say myself a perfect, but i do happy with what i have.

I remember, once i've ever called my life perfect when i was 17 years old, i thought i git everything that i want, i have a loving parents, my mom just recorver (for a while, but i didnt know at that time) from her illnes, i do have a boyfriend and bunch of loving friends. I felt so perfect.

And after a while, it was falling apart, mom was sick again,boyfriend cheated behind me, my friend who knew that my bf was cheated just did nothing to me. And there was my history began.

No, i didnt regret at all. All those stories bring me here, a married women who tapped her stories from her iPad and loving husband who sit behind her. Once again, Alhamdullilah.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Dan vendor2 berjasa itu...

hey semuaaa... akhirnya setelah keribetan sana-sini, kesempatan buat update lagi *bersih2debu* ...

Well, kali ini aku mau update soal vendor2 yang aku pakai. Pas jaman lagi nyari2 vendor, aku suka banget browsing dan kebantu banget dengan review2 yang ada di blog, nah ceritanya mau proyek balas budi nih, biar buat capeng2 (halaaahh... capeng!) yang lagi browsing2 punya bahan buat review yang terupdate. :D

let's begin!

1. WO = Mahakarya (CP : Fika)
Untuk WO, kebetulan aku cuman pake WO hanya untuk di saat acara, or dia jadi runner, time keeper, dan memastikan saat hari H semuanya berjalan tepat waktu. Karena kebetulan aku serba mepet, jam 8 akad nikah, jam 11 udah mulai resepsi. Nah, ternyata WO ini berguna banget deh... keluarga kan juga ikut sibuk, WO ini bener2 membantu aku kalau ada apa2. Kebetulan WO nya itu temen kantor aku sendiri,jadi lebih enak :)

2. Katering = Caterindo (CP= Bu Henny)
Kebetulan, kita berdua sepakat di suatu acara, makanan itu haruslah enak. dan kita percaya, kalau capengnya berdua sepakat itu enak, pasti tamu2nya akan juga ngerasa sama. Kita berdua udah TF dimana-mana, sampai akhirnya jatuh hati sama sate padang nya Caterindo. Rasa sate padangnya yang enyak itu, buat kita sepakat untuk pake Caterindo, apalagi bu Henny orangnya juga membantu banget.
Pas di acara, turns out pilihan kita sama sekali ga mengecewakan, semua orang suka dengan makanan2 yang ada. favoritnya salmon teriyaki sama hainan bebeknya, aku sendiri suka sama makarono schoetelnya.
As penganten, kita puas banget, dan cmn nyesel kenapa kita ga bs muter buat nikmatin makanannya :p hehehhe...

3. Dekor = Janur Kuning ( CP = Mas Bahar)
Janur kuning ini rekanan dari caterindo.
Kekurangannya dulu yah.... JK ini suka telat T-T! Pas technical meeting, dia satu2nya vendor yg telat lebih dari 1 jam, padahal ditunggu oleh semua orang. Dan ada beberapa miscommunication yang bikin saya sempat bete.
Tapi di hari H nya, segala kebetean terbayar sudah, dekornya janur kuning bagus banget... speechless abis. :)

4. Foto = Pasopati ( CP = er.. lupa)
Berhubung hasilnya belum diambil, belum ketahuan sih gimana hasilnya... mudah2an bagus... Cuman satu yg menganggu, Pasopati ini semangat sekali menyuruh saya dan deni bergaya, padahal masih banyak orang ngantri dan minta foto :( Pas kita udah kelaperan mau turun aja, dia masih semangat menyuruh saya dan deni bergaya lagi, padahal kita pengen makan dan ngobrol2 sama orang2 di bawah. Sampai akhirnya aku sendiri yg bilang, " Udah ya mbak.. udah capek.." :p

5. Pre-wedding photo = 9 art Photography ( CP : mas Fajar )
Ini adalah pilihan buat yang mau ekonomis tp hasilnya bagus-bagus! Kita pergi ke Bogor buat foto, pas puasa pula... dan hasilnya sama sekali ga mengecewakan.. totally recommended!

6. Musik = Revi's
Well actually, karena kita ada di atas, ga bisa menilai secara objektif, cuman banyak tamu2 yg merasa terhibur and it's more than enough :)

7. Baju : Filary dan Kebayakoe by Lulu
Both of them make a gorgeous kebaya. 1 more thing for Kebayakoe, sempet buat deg2an gara2 ukuran bustier yang salah di H-3. Untung aja masih bisa dibenerin.

8. Gedung : Antam
Suka sama gedung ini karena posisinya strategis dengan parkir yang luas. Alhamdullilah selama acara aku ga ujan, walau tetep, macet dimana-mana. Cuman, ada beberapa pengalaman ga enak sama pengurus gedung Antam, masa pas acara dia minta-minta souvenir aku, udah dikasih, eh ada orang lain lagi yg minta2 lagi, mina 3 pula, bilangnya orang gedung. Yah, saya bayar gedung gitu loohh... bukannya gratisan juga make gedung. *sebel*

9. Souvenir : Airinda
Banyaaakkk bannget yg suka souvenir aku, bentuknya adalah clutch batik (ukuran 20 x 8). Yang buat ini sahabatku pas SMA, taunya juga gara2 pas datang ke kawinannya dia. Eh emang rejeki dia yah, ada temen kantor yg juga naksir sama souvenir ini dan ikutan bikin di dia :) Riiinn,... aku mau deh modalin buat buka cabang di Jakarta :D sini sini... :D

Well, itu dulu ah... buat aku dan Deni, paling penting tuh vendor dekor dan katering, makanya 2 itu yg bener2 jadi pusat perhatiaan kita sebelum kita nikah, dan alhamdulliha, overall, acara turn well dan we and family do feel happy.... :)

thank you buat semua yg sempat datang yah :)

*feel free to ask me no telp dari vendor2 di atas. :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


"Kok kamu sekarang jarang nulis-nulis lagi?" tanya Deni sambil lalu.

Memang, semua kesibukan saya, mulai dari pekerjaan sampai mengurusi printilan perkawinan, membuat saya tidak ada kesempatan bin malas untuk menulis. :) Toh, niat saya untuk menulis tidak pernah berhenti, kalau misalkan pikiran saya bisa menulis sendiri, sudah beberapa lembar tulisan yang saya buat :D

Berhubung saya tidak mau menulis vendor2 apa yang saya pakai buat persiapan, jadi saya menulis yang lain saja yah :D ( well, saya suka kok membaca blog2 orang yang menulis review vendor2 pernikahan, dan itu malah jadi referensi buat saya, ehmm... ntar aja deh habis hajatan saya tulis, kan review nya jadi lebih menyeluruh kan :D)

Sebenarnya saya mau mencatat gejolak (ciyeh, gejolak) hati saya dengan apa yang terjadi sebelum menikah, :D, disini saya buat point2 pembahasan agar bisa dibaca2 sebagai suatu memory manis lagi nanti :D

1. Marriage life

Saya sadar, after marriage life, bukanlah kisah yang langsung disimpulkan, and they live happy ever after and done seperti di akhir film2 Disney, justru disitu perjuangan baru mulai kan ( yah setidaknya kata orang2 sih :D) Tentu, mimpi saya ingin menghabiskan waktu selamanya bersama dia.

Tetapi, di persiapan menuju pernikahan, saya mendapat kabar bawah salah seorang saudara kami baru saja berpisah. Shock. Sangat malah. Apapun masalahnya, saya sadar bahwa hal ini bisa terjadi pada siapapun, kita tidak tau apa yang akan terjadi di depan sana, tapi tentu saja, kita selalu mendoakan yang terbaik.

Tidak, saya tidak takut, tapi saya seperti digiring kembali ke kenyataan dari segala euphoria persiapann pernikahan saya bahwa anything could be happens. Kami berdua harus selalu diingatkan bahwa hal ini bisa terjadi dan kami harus menjaga agar kami berdua selalu menguatkan dan mencintai satu sama lain.

2. True love

Salah seorang tante saya meninggal secara tiba2, ini juga merupakan big shock kepada saya. Dia dan suaminya terseret ombak ketika sedang berjalan2 di laut Bali. Tante saya tidak bisa diselamatkan, Oom saya, Alhamdulilah, masih bisa diselamatkan.Disini saya melihat cinta sejati diantara keduanya, saya melihat bagaimana Oom saya meskipun sedang kritis yang selalu dicari2 adalah istrinya dan aktifitas terakhir yang dilakukan oleh tante saya di Facebook adalah menupload foto suaminya.

Mereka sudah bersama hampir 30 tahun, tetapi cinta mereka masih kuat sampai di hari terakhirnya. Saya salut :)

3. Ayah

Ayah saya adalah orang yang santai dan tenang, tetapi saya liat 2 minggu terakhir mengurus persiapan pernikahann saya, dia terlihat sibuk ( mungkin karena saya pihak perempuan persiapan pernikahan saya lebih ribet dan lebih banyak menelan biaya :D ).

Saya tahu, Bapak saya sama seperti bapak2 yang lain yang ingin melihat anaknya menikah dengan pria terbaiknya.

4. Mama

Tapi diantara semuanya, mama saya adalah orang yang paling mengiginkan saya menikah, saya ingat mama sering membicarakan hari dimana saya menikah, saya ingat mama sudah membelikan perangkat tempat tidur ( tempat tidur, lemari dan meja rias dari kayu jati) mama saya selalu bilang, " Ini tempat tidur semuanya buat kamu kalau kamu sudah menikah, sekarang mama pinjam dulu buat dipakai yah "

Dan bagaimana ibu saya, selalu mendoakan agar saya mendapatkan Pria terbaik.

Dan Saya berharap dan saya yakin, pria pilihan saya tidak akan mengkhianati mimpi kedua orang tua saya :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Merah Putih

Selamat Hari kemerdekaan, Indonesia!

Kebetulan tanggal 17 agustus tahun ini sama dengan keadaan tanggal 17 agustus, 65 tahun yang lalu, yaitu di suasana bulan Ramadhan.

Well efeknya, pagi2 di twitter sudah bersahut2an teman2 yang mengucapkan selamat hari ulang tahun ke indonesia, yang buat saya kelihatan lucu saja :) Kenapa juga harus mengucapkan pas jam 12 malam, seperti ada seorang manusia yang ultah hari ini :) Terus kan juga ga ada orang yang akan mengucapkan terima kasih atas pemberiaan selamat itu kan :D

Saya berpikir, sebenarnya kita harus mengucapkan ucapan selamat itu kepada diri kita sendiri. Indonesia yang berulang tahun, kita yang merupakan bagiaan dari Indonesia itu sendiri dan saya rasa, kita lah juga yang berulang tahun merayakan kemerdekaan kita di hari ini.

Bicara soal merayakan hari kemederkaan, terlepas rutinitas setiap tahun ketika semua orang bertanya apakah kita sudah merdeka atau belum, saya mensyukuri kita tidak dijajah ( paling tidak dijajah secara fisik yah) oleh bangsa penjajah.

Dan setiap tahun, momen ini membuat saya berfikir, apa yang bisa saya berikan untuk negri ini. Mungkin tidak banyak hal yang mempunyai impact besar yang bisa kita lakukan untuk negri ini, tapi sebenernya banyak juga kan hal2 kecil yang bisa kita lakukan, mungkin sepele, tapi layak kita lakukan, seperti :

1. Jadi kakak asuh satu (atau beberapa ) anak yang tidak mampu.
Memang sih tindakan ini tidak langsung membuat kita menghapus kemiskinan, tapi
paling tidak ada beberapa adik yang bisa bersekolah karena bantuan kecil kita.
well, 25 ribu sebulan di jakarta mungkin bisa habis buat nonton biokosp sehari,
tapi kan 25 ribu buat mereka sudah sangat berarti buat mereka :)

2. Membeli produk fashion dalam negri or simply goes to Brighspot for buying your
designer clothes.
Ini sih gampang sekali kita lakukan kan :) Brighspot sendiri merupakan kumpulan
bazzar produk2 designer dalam negri yang pantas kita banggakan dengan harga sama
seperti mango dan zara :)
Mau produk designer indo yang lebih high-end? Jangan takut, kita punya Sabbatha,
Anteprima, butik Biasa, Rotteli yang merupakan produk indo tak kalah dari LV,
Longchamp dan teman2 nya.

3. Liburan Lokal
Memang sih sekarang beberapa tiket ke luar negri lebih mahal daripada liburan di
dalam negri. Tapi malu ga sih, sudah ke Paris tapi belum ke Bangka Belitung ( oh
itu saya loh, dan saya malu :p dan saya sangat ingin ke Bangka Belitung :D)
Gak usah jauh2 mimpi ke Pulau Ampat *mahal banget yah kesana :(* tapi jalan2 dulu
deh ke Karimun Jawa, Gunung Bromo, dll, masih banyak :)

Tiga itu dulu deh, ntar kalo banyak2 malah susah untuk diwujubkan, saya rasa 3 hal ini adalah hal yang paling umum dan paling mudah untuk mensyukuri dan merayakan hari kemerdekaanmu :)

Selamat merayakan kemerdekaan :D

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

A bride-to-be note

Dear All,

So, how is it going? Gak terasa sudah melewatkan bulan Juli, my birthday month dan minggu depan sudah puasa lagi. Time flies.

InsyaAllah jadi puasa terakhir as single dan insyaAllah dalam waktu kira2 2 minggu, status wife sudah bisa dipakai :D

WIFE. this is very serious. Being 25, and almost a wife is really big issue for me. Not that im doubt of him. I'm more than sure over him, after everything that we've been through, i know we belong each others. But being a wife and responbility behind it, thats the one that im curious about. What kind of wife that im gonna be, not only in domestic matters, but everything.

Can i be a good wife, can i be worth for him to be stand for everthing that gonna happen in the future... can i being good for my extended family.

My fiance always teels me ' you can pleased everybody' after we finished our family meeting. People asked this and that, doing this and that, when i got my own choices and principals.

Aku ga mau acara jawa yang lelaki memecah telur dan kita membasuh kakinya, for me is nonsenses... meskipun artinya mungkin baik, tapi dari aku pertama kali ngeliat sampai sekarang kesannya selalu sama, buat aku itu seperti mengatakan 'Perempuan ada dan dinikahi adalah untuk melayani pria'. Meskipun (mungkin) bukan itu maksudnya :)

Malam bainai dan widodareni tidak diadakan, dan itu sih alasannya tak lain dan bukan adalah kasihan untuk anggota keluarga dan calon pengantin (saya!) kalo harus melek sepanjang malam padahal besok jam 5 sudah harus bangun untuk didandanin dan memulai acara. Kalau memang maksudnya agar keluarga datang dan menemani si calon pengantin wanita sih ga harus ada suatu acara berbeda, datang saja dan temani saya :)

Sunting padang ga mau tinggi2 atau berat2. Mungkin banyak yg menganggap sunting harus tinggi, dan banyak bilang dukun pengantinnya bisa bikin itu jadi terasa ga berat. Tapi aku ga mau yang tinggi, maunya simple aja, karena aku ingin tersenyum di acara kawinanku, bukan tersiksa karena beratnya sunting.

Prinsip saya, you paid a lot for your wedding and you can't enjoy your wedding day? No way... i have my own right to be happy and i deserves one :)

Setiap saya melihat teman2 saya yang menikah dan terlihat bahagia di panggung sana, saya selalu tersenyum bahagia, dan berjanji, apapun yang akan terjadi, saya harus bahagia dan tersenyumm, Maybe, it wont perfect, but happines is the one that i looking most, not perfectness.

Yang saya inginkan, panggung yang penuh senyum dan tawa, as simple as that. :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What i'm feeling now?


God please.. lancarkan dan mudahkan..

This is another blabla post.
This is another post that i use to encounter my stress.
This is another post that i feel lot things to tell, but i cant.

This is another post that im trying to feel my heart than to write my thoughts.

This is another post to stop my wonder minds that keep wondering..

This is another post that created to make me stop my almost-drops tears of worry.

This is another post to tell you that I only have 2 hands and cant create magic in one shake.

This is another post to make my worry minds know that i should make quick decision

This is another post to tell you that im responsible to my own life and my own plan

This is another post to tell me that i can, surely i can.

This is another post to make me smile.

This is another post to tell myself, that you can't please everyone, no one can.

This is another post to tell you, once again.. you need your girls, your besties, and hence again tell you that theyre so far away. Upik, Jihan, Dika, i just need you girls. need your hugs.

This is another post to tell you that you have fiance that always there for you.

This is another post to keep me insane.

and i hope i can tell you more than 'this is another post' post. but i think, this is clear enough :p

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Why i can't updated my blog from office. Not about the technical problem, but it sounds that my mind and brain can't cooperated to create a post while i am on my office desk.

Well yeah, yesterday i back to office again. :) Not that i missed it, but it looks that my mind and brain when i was sick was wondering about office matters. I was still reply emails and answer the phones. Don't think i'm that workaholic, tough, however, apparenty, like i mentioned in my blog post earlier, im on deadline week.

Well, better back to office. I lost my focus and concentration. :( and this chickenpox scars lil bit annoys me.

Friday, May 14, 2010

May Updates

So, hey how are you ? Mine is not goodd... i just got chickenpox :(

Iya, cacar air! Entah kenapa, dan ga tau dari siapa yg nularin, tiba2 aja.. ada kyk jerawat kecil di punggung sejak Jumat kemarin (7/5) dan hari Sabtu & minggu, yg kebetulan saya sedang ke Bandung untuk kawinan saudara sepupu saya, saya menggigil hebat dan panas badan naik-turun. Berhubung saya tahu dengan baik badan saya, agak heran ketika pulangnya hari minggu saya ke dokter dan bilang itu cuman radang tenggorokan biasa. Gak pernah hanya dengan radang tenggorokan, badan saya demam 3 hari, pasti ada penyakit yang lebih serius.

Eh ternyata, Senin pagi sehabis mandi, saya lihat banyak bintik2 merah di seluruh tubuh saya. Ya sudah, langsung ke RSIB dan dokter bilang memang kena cacar air, dan itu sebenarnya sudah hari ke 3 cacar air.... T-T.

Sekarang sudah hari ke-7 cacar air, bintik2nya sih sudah mulai kering. Banyak di muka lagi :( Tadi ke dokter kulit, buat menghindar dari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.

Sebenernya sakit cacar air ini, sakit benernya cuman di 5 hari pertama, itu bener-bener lemes, maunya tidur doank dan stamina bener-bener drop, apalagi ditambah cekat-cekit karena bintik-bintik itu tumbuh di tempat2 yang bikin ga nyenyak tidur, kayak di kepala dan di punggung. Pokoknya nyiksa. Apalagi kalo saya, ditambah radang tenggorokan dan batuk yg bener2 nyiksa, plus sakit gigi. Pokoknya staminanya bener-bener drop.

Kalau sekarang sih sudah lebih ke arah beban estetika. Kalo ngeliat cermin, rasanya pengen dicabutin satu-satu biar ilang :( padahal ga boleh, mana gatel lagi.

Komentar lelaki saya ? " Mending sekarang kan kenanya, dibanding nanti Oktober ?" Eh Nyebelliiinn.... :(

Apalagi sebenarnya bulan ini saya banyak kerjaan, dan minggu dimana saya sakit adalah minggu deadline. Ga mungkin juga saya nolak telfon-telfon yang dateng kan.

Weelll, enough about me.

Tadi baru selesai nonton Semifinalis Thomas Cup, and happy that our team can makes it! yipppiiee :)

Entah kenapa, dari dulu Thomas dan Uber cup adalah satu-satunya pertandingan yang saya selalu semangat ikutin. Rasanya gemes kalo liat team kita kalah dan deg2an di setiap pertandingannya. Dan suka terharu kalo kita menang, norak emang.

Dan saya jadi mikir.

Enak kali yah, kalau kita bisa menyikapi hidup kayak pertandingan Badminton, setiap kita serve, ada hasilnya menang atau kalah, kalau kita menang untuk selanjutnya kita yang serve, kalau kalah, pihak lawan yang serve, tapi itu berlalu dengan cepat, jadi kita ga punya waktu untuk sedih/senang atas serve2 kita, sampai nanti game point nya. Meskipun kita kalah, tercatat usaha yang kita lakukan, dan yang kita lakuin hanyalah memberikan yg terbaik untuk game selanjutnya, dan begitu seterusnya.

Saya ingin begitu, kalau ada masalah, kita hadapi saja, kita mainkan permainannya, kalau kita menang atau kalah ya sudah, kita lanjutkan lagi, mainkan babak baru, tidak ada keluh kesah, ataupun kesombongan. That's it. Berjalan. No drama.

Saya benci orang yang memperpanjang masalah, buat saya, kalau ada masalah, saya ga suka menduga-duga, (well, itu akan buat lebih depresi), saya lebih suka bertanya langsung, kalau saya salah, saya minta maaf, kalau memang dia yang salah, saya siap memaafkan dan meminta maaf. Karena buat saya, kesalahan itu pasti ga murni di satu pihak, pasti ada 2 pihak yang terlibat, sedikit apapun yang kita lakukan.

Saya benci drama. Saya sebal sama orang yang selalu menganggap dirinya benar atau selalu defense dengan dirinya. Saya juga sebal sama orang yang memanjangkan masalah. Dan saya sangat sebal dengan orang yang membicarakan hal-hal itu di belakang punggung orang lain.

Dan saya lebih sebal, kalau saya sudah ada di kedua pihak yang sedang berdrama dan saya harus menentukan memilih siapa.

Mungkin saya dianggap tidak berpendiriaan, karena akhirnya tidak memilih siapa-siapa atau dekat dengan kedua pihak, tapi buat saya, i dont care. Apa sih untungnya saya berada di satu pihak tertentu ?

Kok jadi curhat ? :) well, sudah lama ga menulis tiba-tiba saya jadi menulis hal seperti itu. Hm. I need distraction. Sepertinya cacar air ini salah satu distraction yang ada :D

Berharap senin sudah lebih baik wajahnya dan sudah bisa kembali ke kantor lagi :)

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

comfort 'thingies'

here's my bad mood pills that i can pick anytime i need it most :

1. kentang McD
2. blogging
3. reading
4. coklaat.. beng2 :) dan pure chocolate
5. window shopping di mall all alone by myself.
6. shopping itself. hihihi...
7. buying books..
8. yoga
9. berjalan di halte busway jalur sudirman. i dont know why, but i prefer suasana halte busway di sudirman than kuningan. they are so hectic, but still in order.
10. cuddling with my fiancee :)

oh ya satu lagi, bau minyak kayu putih, that always reminds me with my mom.

what yours?

Friday, March 19, 2010

After Deadline Syndrom

fuuuh, it's been almost 1 month not wrote anything, actually there few new things in my life that make my life not that boring.

A regular visit to gym, a new hair-cut, really new, because i cut it short, which i enjoy so much. and a new ring in my left finger. :)

and today, i wrote, because i just passed my April issue deadline, which i think this is a big relief before upcoming deadline is coming again. Well, that's my life now. couldn't complain anymore.

However, in the stuck time like this, i really need to planning a getaway, which i usually did to boost my spirit up. However, with the big plan this year, i should make a finance allocation well, and in fact, there is some wedding to attend this year, and few of them is outside Jakarta, which of course, i should plan holiday in their wedding dates, i think.

and as matter-of-fact, i read a lot these days. Every time i felt down, i drag myself to a bookstore and bought some books.

Last time, i bought " Mind Your Change" self-help book, this book actually talks general thing about how your positive mind could change the perspective in life, which also effect on your daily basis habits. Actually, it works. When you feels positive, whatever your doings and things will be gonna positive and will be a positive thing come into your life. And vice versa. A good book actually, i should finish them.

ok that's all, bye for now, how come i forgot that writing in my blog is some kind of stress relief to me ? i should doing this more often.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine is coming...

After 4,5 years together, im not that exited for valentine. well this year will be different though :D

Anyway... i want to share you one old song from Bread. My bf likes Bread so much, and because of him, i like Bread as well. Today, i browse to youtube and listen some of their songs. Our favorite is Bread-Make It With You ( well, ofcourse there is story behind this song ;). However, i also like this song :

BREAD - Baby I'm A Want You

yes baby, I'm A Want You and I'm A Need You :)

lumuanu. :)

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

got much things to do..

that's the reason why i skipped so much time not blogging...
lot things to do, beside work, i also enjoying :
1. reading lot books, now im reading "Anne and The Green Gables". Suprisingly, this is a beautiful story. :)
2. watching manga a lot. hihi, i just finished watch " Super Cooking Boy, Liu Mao Tsing". :p
3. Since my bf just bought Ipod Touch, everytime im with him, im playing his new gadget :p
4. Just like usual, playing a lot with my social media, facebook and twitter...
5. and busy preparing.... err... *silent*

hehehe c you next post, bloggers :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Say Hi!


well, i was rethinking about my mission to blogging daily. and it is so hard to do. However, i try to blogging more frequently again, just in order to keep my sane. :)

Actually, the deadlines trapped me into. After holiday, work is abundant, and i have to catch them all. :(

and Bangkok is so inspiring. I love how they treat their tourism. they can sell all their temples to tourist and organize them well. And when i was there, i keep thinking and arguing, why Indonesia can learn from them. We do have similar culture and behavior, we do have same thing to offers to foreign. Beautiful and unique scenery, temples, Asian culture, even Durian!

However, their places are cleaner than us. and they are prepared their tourist spot well. and also their public transportations are so much better than us. me like it so much :)

well, i wish i could do something for Indonesia's tourism, espesially Jakarta :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

neck pain.

neck pain again :(

i remember i got neck pain 4 years again and it hurts so hell.

hope i dont get that again. :(

Monday, January 11, 2010

Just arrived from Bangkok :)

Hey, just arrived from Bangkok :). update soon. Now i just finish unpack ( and i hate unpacking more than packing itself :( )

i do updates photos from my trip at Bangkok in my facebook :)

well, just want to share my itinery when i was there :

day 1
Arrived at bangkok at 8 PM, went to Hostel with bus ( Airport Express 2, direct to Khao San Road) and i stayed at Thai Cozy House, which close to Khaosan Road, the places where we can find cheap hotels, favorite for backpackers. and also the places where we can find night life in Bangkok. I love this place, definetly will stayed at this area again, when i have chance to return Bangkok.

day 2

Got to visiting temples which located near of Khaosan road. First, we went to Grand Palace and Emeral temple, sleeping budha temple, Wat Aron, we also take boat along Chaopraya river. In the night we went to Si Lom Bazaar Night, which near of Lumpini Park.

day 3

Now we head to Ancient City, it's kind of miniature park for Thai's culture. It's quite far from Bangkok, it's about 1,5 hours travelling. We took bus 511 from Khaosan Road, until the end of line and after that we took taxi, because we kinda lost. LOL :p.

Ancient City was amazing beautiful. It looks like Taman Mini in Indonesia, but it's very clean and quiet. and it's a huge park as well. Here we can find the miniature for important and valuable places in thailang such us Ayyuthaya, Grand Palace, the traditional house of Thai, Old Market City, floating market, and also the place (i forgot the name) but currently there are dispute between them and Kambodja about who's claim that place.

In ancient city, we took a tram tour to touring the park. After that, we used bicycle to went to restaurant. Entrance ticket is 350 bath, however tram tour and bicycle is free.

We rushed back to Bangkok, because tonight we gonna see Siam Niramit, a thai must see show. the entrance fee is 1500 bath, but, what we got is so awesome performance. Everything was awesome. The effects, the story, and also how they engage with audience. I feel like they thinks out of box performance, the whole theatre is their stage. they could come up for everywhere, doing anything that they like.

What you gonna say, when suddenly from the stage there are river with real water just to show that their life is so close with the river life? amazing beautifully.

After that, we went back to Khao San, and we had late dinner at Indian street food there. yummy.

Day 4

it was a shopping day!

Since it was saturday, we went to chatucak. it's very hot, crowded and HUGE! well, mostly the souvenir and clothes here is so cheap. I spent almost two hours (not enough, btw) to search souvenirs and clothings for myself and my fear friends.

then, we went to MBK, and bought some Durian chips. Well, it looks like ITC here, so i dont buy any fashion thingies. Moved for there, we got to Hard Rock Bangkok, to buy a t-shirt for myself. (well, this is something that i have to do, when i am travelling around the world). Then, we went to Siam Paragon. Well, nothing special, to be honest. :)

Back to hotel, now it's time to try the famous Thai Massage. It costs 200 bath for 1 hour and i like how they massage, not use any oil and not hard. it's a perfect thing to do after you go shopping all day!

day 5
Last day at Bangkok!

We checked out from our Hotel, and i insisted to see a park in Bangkok. We went to Lumphini Park, but when i see it from above (from BTS,sky line metro) we havent interested to explore more, istead we went to Chaopraye river (again) and take a touris boat (it's about 25 bath).

Accidently we found a secret and small but cozy park around Khaosan (it near Phra Atrit Piet), after that we back to Khao San for final shopping lap. LOL :p and took a bus back to Airport.

Overall, it was a nice trip and since we uses " Go Local " trip, the costs is relatively cheap. the cost for food in Bangkok is cheap, find it some cheaper than Jakarta. The cost for public transport is also cheap. The bust only cos 15 - 24 bath, the BTS and sky line is costs 25 -30 bath.

Here my approx cost.

Flight : Rp. 2.200.000.- return. ( could be more cheaper if you book earlier)
Hotel : 650 Bath per day. ( ac , toilet inside, breakfast included)
transport : 150 bath per day kali ya ? :D

attraction :
grand palace : 350 bath
other temples : 50 bath
Ancient City : 350 bath
Siam Niramit : 1500 bath
Food : well, it's variated, if you buy them at food street, pad thai ( fried noodle) is about 40 bath, but if you bought it at Food Court it costs 110 bath. still, it's so much cheaper than Jakarta :)

well, this for now :) hope you enjoy my story. i love to going back again. there are lot of places that i want to visit at Thailand. I also havent visit the beaches, well, i skipped Pattaya, because everyone not recommended it, everyone says Bali is so much better, so for beach trip this year, maybe i'll visit Bali, it's been a while not visit Bali tough :D

bye bye :)

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Maju Jangan Kuyu

Dearest readers,

I suppousely packing for tommorow's vacation, but instead, i open to my past years archive and suddenly my eyes going tearly when i read this, a poem for my dad when i was 18. When i was decided to study aboard, when i was braved enough to leaves all of my comfortable zone and leave Indonesia.

When i read this poem once again, i think this poem is still well appllied on my condition today ( 7 years after). This poem is touching. :) My dad wrote this poem at my new IBM laptop that he gave to me as my birthday present. i love you Dad :)


( Prosa untuk Bulan anak saya yang berulang tahun ke 18)

Waktu yang berputar tak ingkar, lalu kau sudah berada diujung antrian
Sepertinya aku ingin tangkis dengan menutup mataku, kau sudah berlari
Kupegang tangan kasihku, makin kuat tali rintang, teriakmu menerjang
Kuraba lagi hatiku, ada kata disana, waktu untuk berlari tiba, biarkan kedepan

Anak panah ini,sekarang melesat seperti janji allah
Arahnya beda, tujuannya sama
Terjalnya sama, benturannya sama,
Nyanyinya beda, tawanya beda, karena kekuatan hati tidak bisa sama

Maju , jalan terus kedepan, bisa pelan ,sampailah ke ujung
Putaran waktu tidak akan ingkar
Kupegang lagi tangan kasihku, kuatkan tali ini jangan terputus
Lemparkan tali kedepan,untuk menjalin jembatan
Lewati antrian, karena engkau memang harus berlari.

Jakarta, 24 Juli 2003

( After so long time I have not written, even single word for my lover )

Monday, January 04, 2010

How lucky you are...

I wonder, how many times you ever thought that other grass is grenner than ours. I thought, everyone has ever think something like that, because nobody's perfect eventhough how lucky she/he is.

In order to cheer myself up, i am gonna make my " Lucky List ". because i dont need any sadness ruin my newyear spirits. I am a great person, and i always am.

thus, here is it my " Lucky Lists "

- I'm so lucky to have my boyfriend who very kind, loving and caring me on every situation

- I'm so lucky to have superb Daddy who loving me unconditionally. Who always understand with anything that i decided and never ever trying to push me.

- I'm so lucky to have caring bestfriends. Which never asking too much neither advices me too much about any situation that i had, but more than cheering and giving their opinion while i asks. which something good for me.

- I'm so lucky to have Dika, which offering withoug conditions to accompany me while my beibeb was flying back to indonesia.

- I'm so lucky to have family where i can ride back everytime i need it.

- I'm so lucky to have job that challenges me every month and the possibility to meet new people with their knowledge. Eventhough sometimes i feel bored and stress with all the tight deadlines.

- I'm so lucky, i am able to pay my holiday with my own money and realizes my dream to visit other countries outside Indonesia.

- I'm so lucky, to have a room at Mampang, with all nice housemates with also cheap internet connection.

- I'm so lucky to have two netbooks, one at office and one at home. So lucky that my IBM is still keep intact and working eventhough i've been using it almost 7 years.

- I'm so happy that my job now gives me lot of goodie bags with also offers any vouchers which make me able to buy and use branded apparel.

- I'm so lucky to be able study at Amsterdam, which offers me lot of benefit and oppurtinities and also life lessons...

- Above at all, im so lucky to have you, my blog, and you, my blog readers and also my bestfriends who read this blog. because of you, i will always keep my head up.

keep your spirit up and keep your hope to Allah. The best yet to come :)

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Lenka - The Show

well, currently i'm in love with this song and also trying to memorize the lyrics (which is something rare thing to do for me). First time i listen this in Ugly Betty's promo at Star Movies. And i just like to listen its catchy lyrics with typical katty perry tunes.

well, while you listen the whole song, it's just like what ive been through these times. (dont you think im almost get my first life-quarter crisis ?) :p.

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go I can't do it alone I've tried
And I don't know why

Slow it down
Make it stop
Or else my heart is going to pop
'Cause it's too much
Yeah, it's a lot
To be something I'm not

I'm a fool
Out of love
'Cause I just can't get enough

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go I can't do it alone I've tried
And I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down I know
I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show

The sun is hot
In the sky
Just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the sign
And synchronize in time
It's a joke
Nobody knows
They've got a ticket to that show

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I dont know where to go I can't do it alone I've tried
And I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down I know
I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show

Just enjoy the show

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I dont know where to go I can't do it alone I've tried
And I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down I know
I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show

dum de dum
dudum de dum

Just enjoy the show

dum de dum
dudum de dum

Just enjoy the show

I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show

I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

here is it, i will tell you my new year eve story which.. almost same with last year. hihi :p
So, yesterday, my office mate bring us a 8 litre of ice cream to office in the morning. Thus, we eat them heartly. because actually, there are nothing to do for us, we spent doing nothing at office only chat with each other and enjoying ice cream. after that, i was having lunch at Mbah Jingkrak, our favorite super-spicy javannese restaurant at Setiabudi. then, we back home early.

After that mas berly and beibeb picked me up at kos, then we went to Teraskota. We tried kefir yogurt there. The tastes was nice but the service was slow. however, the price is cheap. only 20,000 for one waffle plus yogurt. Still hungry, we went to pizza restaurant there. pretty nice. However, this our first time to Teraskota, BSD and it was nice place to go (for you who lives around there, of course :p)

Me and beibeb back to Pamulang and watching Spiderman 3 to wait the 00.00, the milestone for 2010.

And today is our first day at 2010! and i just got my first indomie :p

happy new year everyone and wish a happy year ahead. :D

well, for resolution, i think it's gonna keep better and better than last year. Since, i feel there were less major changes on me between this year, so i keeping it better and better :) amien.