Saturday, March 31, 2007

tolong isi kuesioner donk :D kali ini buat thesis!

here we go again,
bulan minta bantuan isi kuesioner,
isitimewanya ini buat thesis looo :D
*yeah, yeah, im working on my thesis right now*

Dear All,

Nama saya Bulan Mendota, pelajar Inholland University, Diemen, The Netherlands, jurusan Communication Management, dalam tugas akhir saya, saya akan menulis tentang pengaruh (outside) weblogs terhadap image suatu perusahaan. Perusahaan yang saya akan analisa disini adalah Telkom, dengan produknya Telkom Speedy.

Apabila anda pernah membaca blog(s), dan/ataupun mempunyai blog(s), saya mohon bantuannya untuk mengisi kuesioner ini.

Terima kasih.

Bulan Mendota

target groupnya seluruh warga negara dan penduduk Indonesia yang pernah baca blog orang Indonesia *ya ya anda-anda semua termasuk lohhhh....

jadi langsung aja masuk ke sini

kalo bisa dikasih tau ke orang2 lain juga yaaa.... atas bantuannya bulan ucapkan makasih banyak... berarti Anda mendukung bulan lulus tahun ini :D


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

new skin (again)



this new skin better than before, aight?
and the good things,
this new skin uses new blogger beta which uses xml.
well, don't ask me how i make, because i don't
i just get it from (remember that im a html handycap) and adjust it a bit.

well, actually i dont really like Lord of the rings,
but this template just nice, and i like it :D

well, i also put some posts and photos to my other blog in multiply . if you have time, check this blog as well.

i alo put my review of the newest book of Adithy Mulya in my multiply. Suprisingly, the ninit herself visited my review and commented on it. Wow, the power of blog, tough :)
I am so glad she can accepted some crictis that i give to her book.

well well
back to thesis!

Friday, March 23, 2007

uji coba trial brownies

mau nulis ttg suatu momentum yg penting dalam hidup bulan mendota...

membuat kue :D

pilihan kue kali ini jatuh pada brownies
dengan pertimbangan sbb:
1. logika brownies kan kue bantat, jadi mestinya newbie seperti ak bisa donk :D
2. bukan cake-lover jadi kadang2 kue yg terlalu nyoklat bgt ak malah ga doyan :
3. ga perlu pake mixer, soalnya di resep dapurbunda, sepertinya perintahnya cmn aduk rata. *tapi ternyata saya salah :p*

setelah kemaren ngubek di dirk untuk memilih2 bahan, akhirnya dengan tekat baja, begitu bangun ak langsung kepikir buat bikin brownies. Dengan menggunakan mixer super sederhana yg ada di dapur.

Eng ing eng…

Aduk telur dan gula sampe larut

Semua berjalan dengan lancer *pede mode on* mixer pun bekerja dengan baik.

Masukan tpg terigu, coklat bubuk, vanili dan garam yg sudah diayak

Lupakan soal mengayak, tidak punya ayakan, yah masukkan semua bahan2nya *di dapurbuda pake ukuran cup ak ngeliat blog silvi buat konversi ukuran*

Anyway, ketika coba memakai mixer lagi, ternyata coklatnya menggumpal di deket mata mixer nya. Menyerah. Pake sendok kayu dan bingung kenapa tuh bahan gak kecampur semua. *panik mode on, lupakan mengambil foto, yg ada tangan saya dah jadi coklat semua*

Ketika sudah mulai menyerah ak melihat instruksi selanjutnya

Masukan oil

Wah, ternyata tuh bahan jadi mengkilap2 dan lebih lembek dari yg tadi. *mulai ga panik*

Masukkan bahan ke loyang dan taburi kacang mede dan/atau chocochips

Berhubung ga punya loyang kotak, jadinya ak masukin ke loyang bunder dan taburi kacang mede. Putus asa melihat tampangnya. Dan mengucapkan bismillah.

Panggang dan sajikan

Eng ing eng setelah 30 menit
Inilah jadinya…………….

Rasa? Hmm, untuk first trial boleh lah :D
Cmn kok jadinya keras banget ya, apa emg brownies gitu? Kayaknya mestinya agak empuk dikit deh. *apa karena ga pake baking powder?*

Eh eh tapi belum dicoba ke manusia lain neh, jadiiiii ada yg mau mampir ke kamar dan mencoba? Hueheuheuehueheuhe butuh masukan neh :D

Oh ya btw, kemaren ak buat kari jepang :P pake bumbu jadi yg ada di dunyong seeh, jadi enak aja :p


Sunday, March 18, 2007

someone out there, listen!

in one conversation in one sunny afternoon, my friend suddenly asked me,

him: what's your boyfriend criteria?
me: hmm *thinking* well, i and him should able to click together. so, we can talk each other well.
him: sounds easy.
me: *look him* no, it isn't easy. i love good talk, thus, i want my partner should able to share and talk about everything without getting boring. i and him should still have interest in each other, so we can avoid borringness which could make us separated.
i want everyime i see him, i still can fell butterfly in stomach. :)
oh ja, one more thing, he must have lot of patience.

him: Patience? ow, of course!

happy anniversarry 20th month, honey!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

personalized email ads (?)

well, i dont know what's the name actually
but this kind of ads booming now, i mean here in NL :p

this my twice emails, once i got from masterbeurs, this from SP (social partij?)

the email is preety funny and you really could feel personalized with this ads
because they put your name there!

in masterbeurs they even put your name in the website adress (sorry, i already deleted it :) ) and the email... they reminding you about this event. and with lot of "bulan" words everywhere. touched! :p

the second one,
you can see here

funny, eh?

i like it :)

Monday, March 05, 2007

new skin?

ach wel,

this is so messyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

aduh duh,
why, i only want to punt favicon in my blog, then i come up with ruined my blog,
and when i decided not to use any new blogger anymore which i can put anything on it,
then, everything just messed.

ow i hate it,
why should i change everything here :(
and the picture in the front just not suit with all of it.

aduh duh,
and dunno,

mess mess mess


*is this a sign? :p

some questions (for whom know the answer please help me :D)

1. why my title doesnt bold nor bigger font than others?
2. how to make the line post between each other not like this (itu lo antara post kan ada antara2nya, nah biar dia ga selebar ini gimana?)
3. why the webstat4u (counter) doesnt appear in this messy new blog?

i know that i am not teenager anymore, but i can't help it.
should i change the skin again??
or what should i do now?

Sunday, March 04, 2007

lunar eclipse

yesterday night there was lunar eclipse from 10pm-1am
yes, i saw it :)not the whole time, tough.
because i could not saw it from my room, the best position to saw moon eclipse was the kitchen, because they have veranda on it. So, every 10-30 minutes, i back to kitchen to saw the moon.

It was beautiful, orange moon!
i was stunned sat in veranda, observing the orange moon, and sueing the clouds.
yesterday was cloudy, really2 not the best weather to observe the lunar eclipse

but i was happy :D

for futher information about lunar eclipse yesterday night in NL , click here

doei :D