guys girls,
thank you for -still- visiting my blog..
what was happened to me.. i am still hard to telling it to you..
the torture havent finished yet..
ditz, thanks buat ngangenin blog ini ya..
you know, karena testi km, ak ngerasa kl blog ini ga useless2 banget... :D
dan thanks buat semua yg dah perhatian ama aku..
terutama , buat semua yg dah dengerin segala curhatan dan tangisan ku..
i hope, i will not lose you in the future.. :)
this month has compeletely become disaster for me..
but, i will struggle on it..
you know, i will...
doain yah..
blog ini akan kembali, entah kapan
hopefully, dengan lay out baru ... :)
still.. stress and panic
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
lagi krisis.
krisis percaya diri.
dan krisis2 lainnya..
lagi banyak pikiran
dan blog saya sudah tidak membantu lagi...
broken down.
entah kapan kembali lagi..
lagi krisis.
krisis percaya diri.
dan krisis2 lainnya..
lagi banyak pikiran
dan blog saya sudah tidak membantu lagi...
broken down.
entah kapan kembali lagi..
Friday, May 13, 2005
"ga semuanya bisa d pelajari dari kampus" said one of my friend.
ah ya, that used to be my principal.. when i was high school :P
d sini, sekarang?
ehm.. mau ga mau.. sadar ga sadar..
semua hal d sekitarmu dah 'mengajari' kamu..
dari belajar masak (hey, i am good at it now..:P ), belajar nyuci pakaian ( well, just put my dirty clothes on washing machine), belajar ngurus izin2 dan reglation, belajar jadi turis, belajar berteman, belajar be-kerja ( kerja pada umumnya, apapun itu ), belajar ngatur duit ( me? damn... why i still not good of it.. and you know what my big expense? food! argggghhh... ) hihi ^^ , belajar berorganisasi, belajar berpolitik ( toh, saya masih jadi pendengar untuk urusan ini) , belajar ngatur waktu , dan belajar2 hal sekolah lainnya... :D
eh ya, kata temen saya pada saat ngmg itu agak menyakitkan hati saya.. (cmn dikit seh)
rasanya, seperti menganggu principal saya.. X(
anyway, setelah sy amati lagi.. ah.. saya masih tidak terlalu jauh dari principal saya..
cuman sekarang memang..
lagi banyak tugas..
banyak deadline
banyak acara juga :P
masih mikirin internship
dan tugas2 dari PPI a'dam yg masih saya terlantarkan
dan sekarang lagi sibuk ama membaca buku buat tugas visual comm-ku
*dan kenapa saya malah ngeblog.. ? :P
if school really2 occupied my brain right now,
ah ya, saya d kirim ke sini kan buat sekolah :D
ga murah lagi...
*sebuah pembelaan diri atas prinsip saya dulu..
dan hei there ;), kita masih terlalu egois untuk menjadi teman.,
* or this is only my thought?
* bisakah kita berhenti untuk saling menyakiti... :)
and about my favorite hobby, observing.. :P ( ehm, this not really observe actually)
sadar gak, (iya..enggak )
ketika km mulai mengenal orang..
kamu sepert sedang menyusun puzzle..
puzzle itu kan bermacam2, ada yg puzzle 1000 pieces, ada yg punya anak2 yg cuman 20 pieces, ada yg gambarnya bagus, ada yg biasa saja, ada yg versi spesial..
mengenal satu manusia, juga seperti itu, katakan.. d puzzle itu gambar contohnya sudah hilang!
kadang, km bertemu dengan puzzle 1000 pieces versi spesial, dan km dengan gembira merekat satu persatu walo memakan waktu panjang dan lama, even you dont know what the picture inside, but you still happy on it...
ato tiba2 km merasa bosan pada puzzle 1000 pieces itu karena terlalu rumit dan memutuskan untuk meninggalkannya
ato km enjoing puzzle 50 pieces dan bahagia ketika selese merekatkannya,dan bahkan km memajangnya..
ato km menjadi malas untuk meneruskan puzzle 50 pieces karena itu terlalu mudah dan tidak menarik bagimu
ato km tidak jadi meneruskan suatu puzzle karena km sadar -setelah setengah to seperempat menyelesaikannya ato mungkin 2 pieces baru terpasang- gambarnya tidak menarik.
dan semua itu butuh ketelitian dan trik2 tertentu
* sepupu saya memakai trik menyelesaikan bagian pinggir dari puzzle itu baru mengisi tengahnya... trik yg berguna pada puzzle 1000 pieces hadiah ultahnya,.. and she doing it with her sister, mother and boyfriend.
kata dia 5 hari instens buat baru selese.. :D
kalo ak?
ehmm.. saya ga terlalu tertarik merangkai puzzle abis mesti sabar n teliti seh..
tapi saya tertarik mengenal orang.. dan merangkai satu persatu puzzle kehidupannya..
jadi inget, dulu saya membuat website buat tugas sekolah, themenya "puzzle of my life"
anyway, anyhow..
doakan saya yahhh.. buat interview minggu depan :D
ah ya, that used to be my principal.. when i was high school :P
d sini, sekarang?
ehm.. mau ga mau.. sadar ga sadar..
semua hal d sekitarmu dah 'mengajari' kamu..
dari belajar masak (hey, i am good at it now..:P ), belajar nyuci pakaian ( well, just put my dirty clothes on washing machine), belajar ngurus izin2 dan reglation, belajar jadi turis, belajar berteman, belajar be-kerja ( kerja pada umumnya, apapun itu ), belajar ngatur duit ( me? damn... why i still not good of it.. and you know what my big expense? food! argggghhh... ) hihi ^^ , belajar berorganisasi, belajar berpolitik ( toh, saya masih jadi pendengar untuk urusan ini) , belajar ngatur waktu , dan belajar2 hal sekolah lainnya... :D
eh ya, kata temen saya pada saat ngmg itu agak menyakitkan hati saya.. (cmn dikit seh)
rasanya, seperti menganggu principal saya.. X(
anyway, setelah sy amati lagi.. ah.. saya masih tidak terlalu jauh dari principal saya..
cuman sekarang memang..
lagi banyak tugas..
banyak deadline
banyak acara juga :P
masih mikirin internship
dan tugas2 dari PPI a'dam yg masih saya terlantarkan
dan sekarang lagi sibuk ama membaca buku buat tugas visual comm-ku
*dan kenapa saya malah ngeblog.. ? :P
if school really2 occupied my brain right now,
ah ya, saya d kirim ke sini kan buat sekolah :D
ga murah lagi...
*sebuah pembelaan diri atas prinsip saya dulu..
dan hei there ;), kita masih terlalu egois untuk menjadi teman.,
* or this is only my thought?
* bisakah kita berhenti untuk saling menyakiti... :)
and about my favorite hobby, observing.. :P ( ehm, this not really observe actually)
sadar gak, (iya..enggak )
ketika km mulai mengenal orang..
kamu sepert sedang menyusun puzzle..
puzzle itu kan bermacam2, ada yg puzzle 1000 pieces, ada yg punya anak2 yg cuman 20 pieces, ada yg gambarnya bagus, ada yg biasa saja, ada yg versi spesial..
mengenal satu manusia, juga seperti itu, katakan.. d puzzle itu gambar contohnya sudah hilang!
kadang, km bertemu dengan puzzle 1000 pieces versi spesial, dan km dengan gembira merekat satu persatu walo memakan waktu panjang dan lama, even you dont know what the picture inside, but you still happy on it...
ato tiba2 km merasa bosan pada puzzle 1000 pieces itu karena terlalu rumit dan memutuskan untuk meninggalkannya
ato km enjoing puzzle 50 pieces dan bahagia ketika selese merekatkannya,dan bahkan km memajangnya..
ato km menjadi malas untuk meneruskan puzzle 50 pieces karena itu terlalu mudah dan tidak menarik bagimu
ato km tidak jadi meneruskan suatu puzzle karena km sadar -setelah setengah to seperempat menyelesaikannya ato mungkin 2 pieces baru terpasang- gambarnya tidak menarik.
dan semua itu butuh ketelitian dan trik2 tertentu
* sepupu saya memakai trik menyelesaikan bagian pinggir dari puzzle itu baru mengisi tengahnya... trik yg berguna pada puzzle 1000 pieces hadiah ultahnya,.. and she doing it with her sister, mother and boyfriend.
kata dia 5 hari instens buat baru selese.. :D
kalo ak?
ehmm.. saya ga terlalu tertarik merangkai puzzle abis mesti sabar n teliti seh..
tapi saya tertarik mengenal orang.. dan merangkai satu persatu puzzle kehidupannya..
jadi inget, dulu saya membuat website buat tugas sekolah, themenya "puzzle of my life"
anyway, anyhow..
doakan saya yahhh.. buat interview minggu depan :D
Monday, May 09, 2005
* d sela2 mengerjakan corporate communication dan sibuk berpikir tentang masa yg tidak terlalu akan datang
hari senen, anak2 rumah lengkap.. (bulan, tanti, mbak indri, mas jose, mas bram)
beda ama weekend yg kebanyakan pada pergi semua.. pada kerja.. :D
tiba2 dapur terasa sangat penuh.. aneka bau masakan muncul dari sana
bulan : masak steak + kentang goreng *tumben.. :P
Indri : masak tahu telor
tanti : masak supermie :P
Jose : masak pasta + saus daging
Bram : masak telor
dan cross masakan pun terjadi di antara kita semua..
agak ga maching seh sebetulnya..
ah tapi, sapa peduli..
student gitu loh, jauh dari abang mie bakso, abang sate, abang bubur ayam..
hari senen, anak2 rumah lengkap.. (bulan, tanti, mbak indri, mas jose, mas bram)
beda ama weekend yg kebanyakan pada pergi semua.. pada kerja.. :D
tiba2 dapur terasa sangat penuh.. aneka bau masakan muncul dari sana
bulan : masak steak + kentang goreng *tumben.. :P
Indri : masak tahu telor
tanti : masak supermie :P
Jose : masak pasta + saus daging
Bram : masak telor
dan cross masakan pun terjadi di antara kita semua..
agak ga maching seh sebetulnya..
ah tapi, sapa peduli..
student gitu loh, jauh dari abang mie bakso, abang sate, abang bubur ayam..
Friday, May 06, 2005
present you.. my Koningen-dag..
so, the day was starting from 10:30 oclock, me, tanti, adit were going to diemen centrum, which is only 5 minute walking from my house, :D, and we were visiting my friends, laura and neo, stand. They were selling some cute stuffes from Chinnese. :D
i also got nice necklage :D
this is me, tanti and laura in front of her stand, posing.
afterthat, we decided to go to Amsterdam.. since this is my first day enjoying feest (party) in Netherlands, yeah.. because last year i was working 9 hours , i was excited :D, we were going there with the trein.
me in the front of oranje-oranje in Dam Square
*what were i doing? :P
and after meet some friends from Enschede, we decided to continue to go to vondelpark trough kalvestraat, muntplein, leidseplein, vondelpark that takes about 1 hours. And wow, i was amazed with the oranje crowded, party spirit , loud music from that Dutch people did.
me and some friends was posing in the front of oranje crowded in Leidseplein.
after we came in Vondelpark, me and Enschede's friends was split up, i will go to PPI Amsterdam stands in overtoom, so i called jihan and upik to meet in somewhre at Vondelpark ( when i said somewhere, its really somewhere since vondelpark is so damn huge ), when i was alone and looking for jihan and upik, i was searching on vrije mark (free market) in vondelpark and also bought apple tart (1,5 euro)in one of children stand.
In vondelpark, there were so many kids perform themselves (sing,dance, accrobate, etc)in order to get some euros :D, after meet with girls, i went to around vondelpark and got a frame (blue and moon's statue) about 2 euro. after finish, we decided to back to ppi amsterdam stand and help mbak orit who stay there with mas chauft.
we were boring to waiting the buyer come to us :P
Anyway, i am proud to say that i am a good seller , hoho!
so, thats the end of koningen dag journey. we were happy.. :D and tired as well
( thats so damn long journey, tough :D! and i had fun this day :) )
nb: yesterday (5-6 may 2005) i went to brugge , Belgium, a nice city with lots of castil and churches with one of Michael Anggelo statue ; Maddonna and child.
had lot of fun there,, and tired because we had just walking lots ( i means LOTS ).
just imagine the city that Lima Sekawan do in their journey's books. An old europe with lot of treasury and antique stuffes inside and hide there. Lovely!
so, the day was starting from 10:30 oclock, me, tanti, adit were going to diemen centrum, which is only 5 minute walking from my house, :D, and we were visiting my friends, laura and neo, stand. They were selling some cute stuffes from Chinnese. :D
i also got nice necklage :D
this is me, tanti and laura in front of her stand, posing.
afterthat, we decided to go to Amsterdam.. since this is my first day enjoying feest (party) in Netherlands, yeah.. because last year i was working 9 hours , i was excited :D, we were going there with the trein.
me in the front of oranje-oranje in Dam Square
*what were i doing? :P
and after meet some friends from Enschede, we decided to continue to go to vondelpark trough kalvestraat, muntplein, leidseplein, vondelpark that takes about 1 hours. And wow, i was amazed with the oranje crowded, party spirit , loud music from that Dutch people did.
me and some friends was posing in the front of oranje crowded in Leidseplein.
after we came in Vondelpark, me and Enschede's friends was split up, i will go to PPI Amsterdam stands in overtoom, so i called jihan and upik to meet in somewhre at Vondelpark ( when i said somewhere, its really somewhere since vondelpark is so damn huge ), when i was alone and looking for jihan and upik, i was searching on vrije mark (free market) in vondelpark and also bought apple tart (1,5 euro)in one of children stand.
In vondelpark, there were so many kids perform themselves (sing,dance, accrobate, etc)in order to get some euros :D, after meet with girls, i went to around vondelpark and got a frame (blue and moon's statue) about 2 euro. after finish, we decided to back to ppi amsterdam stand and help mbak orit who stay there with mas chauft.
we were boring to waiting the buyer come to us :P
Anyway, i am proud to say that i am a good seller , hoho!
so, thats the end of koningen dag journey. we were happy.. :D and tired as well
( thats so damn long journey, tough :D! and i had fun this day :) )
nb: yesterday (5-6 may 2005) i went to brugge , Belgium, a nice city with lots of castil and churches with one of Michael Anggelo statue ; Maddonna and child.
had lot of fun there,, and tired because we had just walking lots ( i means LOTS ).
just imagine the city that Lima Sekawan do in their journey's books. An old europe with lot of treasury and antique stuffes inside and hide there. Lovely!
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